Coping with RSD: What is Pivoting?

Pivoting commonly follows minimization where in addition to minimizing a specific outcome they also pivot their life path towards something else in order to disguise the deprioritization as a reprioritization. In fewer words, pivoting is sour grapes. Once a desired outcome feels too out of reach, you convince yourself it was never really worth pursuing anyway. Pivoting usually is more common with long term goals. It is well known that ADHD people often hop from project to project, but for some reason struggle with seeing a project through to the end. 

We commonly see this pattern attributed to ADHD distractibility, but if more people were aware of rejection sensitive dysphoria, they might see this pattern as a result of something other than just “shiny-object syndrome”. It is not always one or the other. Sometimes we lose interest in a project. Sometimes we pivot as a response to a rising fear of failure. Often I’d wager, it’s a bit of both.


Why are relationships so much harder with rejection sensitive dysphoria?


Coping with RSD: What is Hyper-Independence?